ART 496

maximum: 10 points

10-8 Points


8-6 Points


6-4 Points
4-2 Points
1-0 Points
Constantly gives verbal imput, feedback, and useful participation when there are opportunities to do so in class. Communicates very well, and energetically, and willingly adds content that other students may learn from. Mainly gives verbal imput, feedback, and useful participation when there are opportunities to do so in class. Communicates well, and sometimes adds content that other students may learn from. Sometimes gives verbal imput, feedback, and useful participation when there are opportunities to do so in class. Communicates well but only when prompted. May add content that other students may learn from if prompted Rarely gives verbal imput, feedback, and useful participation when there are opportunities to do so in class. Does not Communicate very well, even when prompted, and seldom helps other students. Never gives verbal imput, feedback, or useful participation at any time, no matter prompted or not. Does not Communicate at all, even when prompted, and never adds content that might help other students.